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Free online GCSE English Lessons
Wherever, gcse english homework help, whenever and however learning happens, we're here to help to support GCSE teaching and learning, we are offering a series of free on-demand English lessons.
The lessons are suitable gcse english homework help all awarding bodies and can be viewed on our Pearson UK Learning YouTube channel. View our GCSE English Lessons. To help all GCSE-level students continue to engage with English learning, our lessons are taught by Rebecca White, a teacher for over 15 years and currently Head of English at Oriel High School, Crawley. Rebecca has worked with PiXL, GCSE Pod and Pearson, and has been an examiner for both GCSE and A level for over a decade.
She is also a part of the National Writing Project's 'Teacher Writes' group, which encourages teachers to get involved in creative writing. The minute online lessons are suitable for individual students and classes alike, regardless of awarding body, gcse english homework help.
Gcse english homework help lesson focuses on different topics and is tailored to the different stages of English learning. See below for each of the lessons and accompanying slides, gcse english homework help, which we hope will continue to be useful for you in your English teaching:. Lesson 1: Analysing Language.
Looking closely at different techniques writers use to convey their ideas and influence their readers. Particularly focusing on verbs, noun phrases, figurative language and tone. Rewatch this lesson. Lesson 1 slides PPTX 3. Lesson 2: Using Language Effectively. Looking closely at syntax and whole text structure as a method of engaging readers and conveying ideas and perspectives. Lesson 2 Slides PPTX 5. Lesson 3: Analysing Structure. Lesson 3 Slides PPTX 3. Lesson 4: Using Structure Effectively.
Applying the techniques from L3 to produce a carefully constructed speech that can be used as part of the SLE. Lesson 4 Slides PPTX 3. Lesson 5: Creating an Effective Narrative. Applying learning from L1 and L3 to create a highly engaging narrative. Looking at different methods of planning and crafting to enable students to produce a complete narrative under exam conditions. Lesson 5 Slides PPTX 5. Lesson 6: Technical Accuracy and Proofreading. Looking at different forms of punctuation and how they can be used deliberately and for effect.
Also offering advice about different methods of proofreading and editing to help students get the most out of their time. Lesson 6 Slides PPTX 5. Who are the lessons for?
Do I need to take the Pearson Edexcel English course to join the lessons? While the online lessons have been developed as free qualification support by gcse english homework help Pearson Edexcel English Team in collaboration with Rebecca White, Head of English at Oriel High School, the content is not specific to any exam board, so anyone studying GCSE English can join and learn. Who is Rebecca White? Rebecca White has been a teacher for over fifteen years and is currently Head of English at Oriel High School, Crawley.
Rebecca has worked with PiXL, GCSE Pod and Pearson and has been an examiner for both GCSE and A level for over a decade. The easiest way to watch the lessons is to visit Pearson UK Learning on YouTube. Can I use the lessons as part of homeschooling my child ren?
The on-demand lessons are one of many excellent ways to motivate and engage students with GCSE-level English while schools are facing disruption due to COVID We're also posting a gcse english homework help of our free GCSE English weekly webinars during school closures, gcse english homework help, with teacher and trainer Julie Hughes, gcse english homework help.
Gcse english homework help takes teachers through top tips and the best resources that she's discovered this week and provides a breakout opportunity for the delegates to connect with each other and share ideas.
Find out more. Free on-demand GCSE English lessons. About our live lessons To help all GCSE-level students continue to engage with English learning, our lessons are taught by Rebecca White, a teacher for over 15 years and currently Head of English at Oriel High School, Crawley. Lesson 1: Analysing Language Looking closely at different techniques writers use to convey their ideas and influence their readers.
Rewatch this lesson Lesson 1 slides PPTX 3. Lesson 2: Using Language Effectively Looking closely at syntax and whole text structure as a method of engaging readers and conveying ideas and perspectives. Rewatch this lesson Lesson 2 Slides PPTX 5. Lesson 3: Analysing Structure Looking closely at syntax and whole text structure gcse english homework help a method of engaging readers and conveying ideas and perspectives.
Rewatch this lesson Lesson 3 Slides PPTX 3. Lesson 4: Using Gcse english homework help Effectively Applying the techniques from L3 to produce a carefully constructed speech that can be used as part of the SLE.
Rewatch this lesson Lesson 4 Slides PPTX 3. Lesson 5: Creating an Effective Narrative Applying learning from L1 and L3 to create a highly engaging narrative. Rewatch this lesson Lesson 5 Slides PPTX 5. Lesson 6: Technical Accuracy and Proofreading Looking at different forms of punctuation and how they can be used deliberately and for effect.
Rewatch this lesson Lesson 6 Slides PPTX 5. Looking for more?
GCSE English Language non-fiction writing guide: write an article about homework (AQA, Cambridge)
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