Cuba in José M. Hernandez. In Cuba was a geopolitical aberration. Lying only 90 miles from the Florida keys, astride the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, it was separated from Spain by the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Yet Cuba remained one of Spain's two colonies in the New World Aug 15, · All merit recognition, not just for the honor they brought upon the Hispanic American community, but for their service and sacrifice as Americans in the nation's greatest struggle-the Civil War. This essay is excerpted from Hispanics and the Civil War: From Battlefield to Home Front, published by the National Park Service and Eastern National 2 days ago · Students are often required to write a paper on a topic as broad as World War II, but you should know that the instructor will expect you to narrow your focus to a specific is especially true if you are in high school or college. Narrow your focus by making a list of words, much like the list of words and phrases that are presented in bold type below
Hispanics and the Civil War (U.S. National Park Service)
Royalists Cavaliers Scotland Second and Third Civil Wars. Parliamentarians Roundheads Covenanters First Civil War The Commonwealth Third Civil War. The English Civil War — was a series of civil wars and political machinations between Parliamentarians " Roundheads " and Royalists " Cavaliers "mainly over the manner of England 's governance and issues of religious freedom. The first — and second — wars pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliamentwhile the third — saw fighting between supporters of King Charles II and supporters of the Rump Parliament.
The wars also involved the Spanish civil war essay Covenanters and Irish Confederates. The war ended with Parliamentarian victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September Unlike other civil wars in Englandwhich were mainly fought over who should rule, these conflicts were also concerned with how the three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland should be governed.
The outcome was threefold: the trial and the execution of Charles I ; the exile of his son, Charles II ; and the replacement of English monarchy with the Commonwealth of Englandwhich from as the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland unified the British Isles under the personal rule of Oliver Cromwell — and briefly his son Richard — In England, the monopoly of the Church of England on Christian worship was ended, and in Ireland, the victors consolidated the established Protestant Ascendancy.
Constitutionally, the outcome of the wars established the precedent that an English monarch cannot govern without Parliament 's consent, though the idea of Parliamentary sovereignty was legally established only as part of the Glorious Revolution in The term "English Civil War" appears most often in the singular, but historians often divide the conflict into two or three separate wars, spanish civil war essay.
They were not restricted to Englandas Wales was spanish civil war essay of England and was affected accordingly. The conflicts also involved wars with Scotland and Ireland and civil wars within them. The wars spanning all four countries are known as the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. In the early 19th century, Sir Walter Scott referred to it as "the Great Civil War". Each side had a geographical stronghold, such that minority elements were silenced or fled. The Royalist areas included the countryside, the shires, the cathedral city of Oxford, and the less economically developed areas of northern and western England.
Parliament's strengths spanned the industrial centres, ports, and economically advanced regions of southern and eastern England, including the remaining cathedral cities except York, Chester, Worcester. Lacey Baldwin Smith says, "the words populous, rich, and rebellious seemed to go hand in hand". Many officers and veteran soldiers had fought in European wars, notably the Eighty Years' War between the Spanish and the Dutch, which began inas well as earlier phases of the Thirty Years War which began in and concluded in The main battle tactic came to be known as pike and shot infantry.
The two sides would line up opposite one another, with infantry brigades of musketeers in the centre. These carried matchlock muskets, an inaccurate weapon which nevertheless could be lethal at a range of up to yards.
Musketeers would assemble three rows deep, the first kneeling, second crouching, spanish civil war essay third standing, allowing all to fire a volley simultaneously.
Positioned on each side of the infantry were cavalry, with a right wing led by the lieutenant-general and left by the commissary general. Its main aim was to rout the opponents' cavalry, then turn and overpower their infantry. The Royalist cavaliers' skill and speed on horseback led to many early victories.
Prince Rupertcommanding the king's cavalry, used a tactic learned while fighting in the Dutch army, where cavalry would charge at full speed into the opponent's infantry, firing their pistols just before impact.
However, with Oliver Cromwell and the introduction of the more disciplined New Model Armya group of disciplined pike men would stand its ground, which could have a devastating effect.
The Royalist cavalry had a tendency to chase down individual targets after the initial charge, spanish civil war essay, leaving their forces scattered and tired, whereas Cromwell's cavalry was slower but better disciplined.
The English Civil War broke out inless than 40 years after the death of Queen Elizabeth I. Elizabeth had been succeeded by her first cousin twice-removedKing James VI of Scotlandspanish civil war essay James I of England, creating the first personal union of the Scottish and English kingdoms. In spite of this, James's personal extravagance meant he was perennially short of money and had to resort to extra-parliamentary sources of income. This extravagance was tempered by James's peaceful disposition, so that by the succession of his son Charles I in the two kingdoms had both experienced relative peace, internally and in their relations with each other.
Charles followed his father's dream in hoping to unite the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland into a single kingdom, spanish civil war essay. As Charles shared his father's position on the power of the crown James had described kings as "little gods on Earth", chosen by God to rule in accordance with the spanish civil war essay of the " Divine Right of Kings "the suspicions of the Parliamentarians had some justification.
At the time, the Parliament of England did not have a large permanent role in the English system of government. Instead, it functioned as a temporary advisory committee and was summoned only if and when the monarch saw fit. Once summoned, a Parliament's continued existence was at the king's pleasure since it was subject to dissolution by him at any time.
Yet in spite of this limited role, Parliament had acquired over the centuries de facto powers of enough significance that monarchs could not simply ignore them indefinitely. For a monarch, Parliament's most indispensable power was its ability to raise tax revenues far in excess of all other sources of revenue at the Crown's disposal. By the 17th century, Parliament's tax-raising powers had come to be derived from the fact that the gentry was the only stratum of society with the ability and authority to collect and remit the most meaningful forms of taxation then available at the local level.
So if the king wanted to ensure smooth revenue collection, he needed gentry co-operation. For all of the Crown's legal authority, its resources were limited by any modern standard to an extent that if the gentry refused to collect the king's taxes on a national scale, the Crown lacked a practical means of compelling them. From the thirteenth century, monarchs ordered the election of representatives to sit in the House of Commonsspanish civil war essay, with most voters being the owners of property, although in some potwalloper boroughs every male householder could vote, spanish civil war essay.
When assembled along spanish civil war essay the Spanish civil war essay of Lordsthese elected representatives formed a Parliament, spanish civil war essay. So the concept of Parliaments allowed representatives of the property-owning class to meet, primarily, at least from the point of view of the monarch, to sanction whatever taxes the monarch wished to collect.
In the process, the representatives could debate and enact statutesor acts. However, Parliament lacked the power to force its will upon the monarch; its only leverage was the threat of withholding the financial means required to implement his plans. Many concerns were raised over Charles's marriage in to a Roman Catholic French princess: Henrietta Maria.
Parliament refused to assign him the traditional right to collect customs duties for his entire reign, deciding instead to grant it only on a provisional basis and negotiate with him, spanish civil war essay. Charles, meanwhile, decided to send an expeditionary force to relieve the French Huguenotswhom French royal troops held besieged in La Rochelle. Such military support for Protestants on the Continent potentially alleviated concerns about the King's marriage to a Catholic.
However, Charles's insistence on giving command of the English force to his unpopular royal favourite George Villiers, the Duke of Buckinghamundermined that support.
Unfortunately for Charles and Buckingham, the relief expedition proved a fiasco[19] and Parliament, already hostile to Buckingham for his monopoly on royal patronageopened impeachment proceedings against him. This saved Buckingham but confirmed the impression that Charles wanted to avoid Parliamentary scrutiny of his ministers. Having dissolved Parliament and unable to raise money without it, the king assembled a new one in The elected members included Oliver CromwellJohn Hampden[21] and Edward Coke.
The new Parliament drew up a Petition of Rightwhich Charles accepted as a concession to obtain his subsidy. Charles avoided calling a Parliament for the next decade, a period known as the " personal rule of Charles I ", or by its critics as the "Eleven Years' Tyranny".
First and foremost, to avoid Parliament, the King needed to avoid war. Charles made peace with France and Spain, effectively ending England's involvement in the Thirty Years' War.
However, that in itself was far from enough to balance the Crown's finances. Unable to raise revenue without Parliament and unwilling to convene it, Charles resorted to other means. One was to revive conventions, often outdated. For example, a failure to attend and receive knighthood at Charles's coronation became a finable offence with spanish civil war essay fine paid to the Crown. The King also tried to raise revenue through ship moneydemanding in — that the inland English counties pay a tax for the Spanish civil war essay Navy to counter the threat of privateers and pirates in the English Channel.
Charles issued a writ against John Hampden for his failure to pay, and although five judges including Sir George Croke supported Hampden, seven judges found in favour of the King in During his "Personal Rule", Charles aroused most antagonism through his religious measures. He believed in High Anglicanismspanish civil war essay, a spanish civil war essay version of the Church of Englandtheologically based upon Arminianisma creed shared with his main political adviser, Archbishop William Laud.
InJohn BastwickHenry Burtonand William Prynne had their ears cut off for writing pamphlets attacking Laud's views — a spanish civil war essay penalty for gentlemenand one that aroused anger.
The end of Charles's independent governance came when he attempted to apply the same religious policies in Scotland. The Church of Scotlandreluctantly episcopal in structure, had independent traditions. This was violently resisted. A riot broke out in Edinburgh, spanish civil war essay, [37] which may have been started in St Giles' Cathedralaccording to legend, by Jenny Geddes.
In Februarythe Scots formulated their objections to royal policy in the National Covenant. In the spring ofKing Charles I accompanied his forces to the Scottish border to end the rebellion known as the Bishops' War[39] but after an inconclusive campaign, he accepted the offered Scottish truce: the Pacification of Berwick.
This truce proved temporary, and a second war followed in mid A Scots army defeated Charles's forces in the north, spanish civil war essay, then captured Newcastle. Charles needed to suppress the rebellion in Scotland, but had insufficient funds to do so. He needed to seek money from a newly elected English Parliament in Charles took exception to this lèse-majesté offense against the ruler and, after negotiations went nowhere, dissolved the Parliament after only a few weeks; hence its name, spanish civil war essay, "the Short Parliament ".
Without Parliament's support, Charles attacked Scotland again, breaking the truce at Berwick, and suffered comprehensive defeat. The Scots went on to invade England, occupying Northumberland and Durham. InCharles had recalled Wentworth to England and in made him Earl of Strafford, attempting to have him achieve similar results in Scotland, spanish civil war essay.
Had he not done so they would have pillaged and burnt the cities spanish civil war essay towns of Northern England. All this put Charles in a desperate financial state. As King of Scots, he had to find money to pay the Scottish army in England; as King of England, he had to find money to pay and equip an English army to defend England.
His means of raising English revenue without an English Parliament fell critically short of achieving this. The new Parliament proved even more hostile to Charles than its predecessor. It immediately began to discuss grievances against him and his government, with Pym and Hampden of ship money fame in the lead. They took the opportunity presented by the King's troubles to force various reforming measures — including spanish civil war essay with strong "anti-Papist" themes — upon him.
Other laws passed making it illegal for the king to impose taxes without Parliamentary consent and later gave Parliament control over the king's ministers. Finally, the Parliament passed a law forbidding the King to dissolve spanish civil war essay without spanish civil war essay consent, even if the three years were up. These laws equated to a tremendous increase in Parliamentary power. Ever since, this Parliament has been known as the Long Parliament.
However, Parliament did attempt to avert conflict by requiring all adults to sign The Protestationan oath of allegiance to Charles. Early in the Long Parliament, the house overwhelmingly accused Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford of high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors. Henry Vane the Younger supplied evidence of Strafford's claimed improper use of the spanish civil war essay in Ireland, alleging that he had encouraged the King to use his Ireland-raised forces to threaten England into compliance.
Francisco Franco and the Spanish Civil War
, time: 9:54World War II Research Essay Topics
Jul 18, · Discuss how the Civil War changed Americans and their ideas about freedom. Discuss Confederate ideology during the Civil War. Discuss legacies of the Spanish Civil War. Discuss the northern and southern economies that lead to the American Civil War. Discuss the Civil War and the Reconstruction, particularly its transformative qualities on the The Spanish Civil War was started by a military coup d'etat in 17–18 July against the Republican government. The coup, intending to prevent social and economic reforms carried by the new government, had been carefully plotted since the electoral right-wing defeat at the February election Aug 15, · All merit recognition, not just for the honor they brought upon the Hispanic American community, but for their service and sacrifice as Americans in the nation's greatest struggle-the Civil War. This essay is excerpted from Hispanics and the Civil War: From Battlefield to Home Front, published by the National Park Service and Eastern National
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